Material and Resistance
Abrasion Resistance Ratios of Nozzle Materials
Wear resistance is simply the ability of a material to resist wear, which is the process of wearing through friction. The wear resistance of the nozzle material is mainly reflected in the wear of the nozzle hole by the impacting water. Dripping stone wear is the best description.
Grades and Chemical Composition of Stainless Steel
Stainless steel is often alloyed with other elements, such as nickel, carbon, silicon, manganese, and molybdenum, to enhance certain material characteristics. Manufacturers leverage this ability to increase the material’s formability, heat resistance, and durability, depending on the needs of the final product.
GFRP Material
GFRP(glass-fiber reinforced plastic) is a fiber reinforced polymer made of aplastic matrix reinforced by fine fibers of glass.